Friday, July 25, 2014

Yang tersirat di sebalik tragedi MH17?

MALAYSIA berdepan tragedi penerbangan kedua dalam tempoh empat bulan, apabila pesawat Penerbangan Malaysia MH17 terhempas akibat ditembak jatuh di wilayah berkonflik Ukraine, dekat dengan sempadan Rusia. 

Sejurus laporan dan ulasan peristiwa ini muncul di media, satu konsensus dalam media Barat kelihatan telah dicapai, mengaitkan pemberontak pro-Rusia sebagai pihak yang bertanggungjawab.

Media Amerika Syarikat dan negara-negara Barat lain telah mengekalkan naratif kaitan kumpulan pemberontak pro-Rusia dengan kemalangan pesawat MH17 sejak awal, dengan segera memberi gambaran implikasi geopolitik peristiwa ini.

Presiden AS Barack Obama segera membuat kenyataan amaran kepada Rusia dan pemberontak agar tidak mencemarkan lokasi pesawat terhempas, dan menyatakan kesediaan AS untuk membantu siasatan kepada Presiden Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, yang menyatakan kesediaan menerima penyiasat antarabangsa.

Naib Presiden Joe Biden pula menegaskan yang peristiwa itu bukan satu kemalangan yang tidak disengajakan. Menurutnya, yang jelas daripada yang dapat diperhatikan ialah pesawat Malaysia itu ditembak.

Bekas Setiausaha Negara Hillary Clinton menyampaikan kenyataan keras, mengatakan bahawa ada petunjuk kuat yang pemberontak pro-Rusia bertanggungjawab. Tegasnya, tindakan perlu diambil untuk menyampaikan mesej kepada Putin yang beliau telah bertindak berlebihan.

John McCain, senator yang menganggotai jawatankuasa hubungan luar senat, walaupun menegaskan tidak akan menuduh mana-mana pihak selagi tiada bukti menyatakan yang Rusia bakal berdepan tindakan keras sekiranya terbukti pihak Rusia atau pemberontak pro-Rusia terlibat menembak MH17.

Sekutu kuat AS di Asia Pasifik, Australia juga telah menunjukkan pandangan yang selari dengan AS. Perdana Menteri Tony Abbott mengatakan di parlimen yang peristiwa itu kelihatan lebih sebagai satu tindakan jenayah berbanding kemalangan. 

Abbott turut memperlihat sikap kritikal terhadap Rusia, dengan menegaskan yang Rusia tidak boleh berdiam diri kerana kejadian berlaku di kawasan pemisah yang disokong Rusia.

Ukraine ialah sekutu rapat Washington dalam persaingan dengan Rusia di wilayah pasca-Soviet yang masih menyaksikan penguasaan dan tindakan agresif Rusia, yang semakin meningkat di bawah Presiden Vladimir Putin kini (gambar bawah).

Rusia menakluk Crimea, wilayah Ukraine berbentuk semenanjung di Laut Hitam, pada Mac lalu dalam satu tindakan mengejutkan dan meningkatkan permusuhan antara Rusia dengan Barat, terutama AS.

Konflik terus berlangsung di Ukraine, apabila kumpulan militan pemisah disokong Rusia terus aktif di wilayah timur Ukraine yang didiami majoriti penduduk cenderung ke Rusia.

Perkembangan terbaharu ini meningkatkan konfrontasi antara Rusia dengan Barat, dan memberi peluang kepada AS dan sekutu dalam Pertubuhan Perjanjian Atlantik Utara, Nato, meningkatkan tekanan dan mengolah tindakan baharu terhadap Putin dan Moscow.
Tragedi MH17 di Ukraine berlaku kurang sehari selepas AS dan Eropah mengumumkan sekatan baharu terhadap syarikat-syarikat penting Rusia, termasuk institusi kewangan dan syarikat tenaga.

Peristiwa ini sedang menyaksikan kesan negatif kepada Rusia, apabila AS dan sekutu-sekutu telah melemparkan kritikan terhadap Rusia, yang tertumpu pada pertanggungjawaban Rusia kerana membekalkan peralatan perang yang canggih kepada pemisah di Ukraine, negara yang kini dikuasai pemerintah pro-Barat.

Obama, dalam sidang medianya pada Jumaat menegaskan solidariti dengan negara-negara yang terlibat, dan menekankan sekali lagi keperluan kerjasama negara-negara terlibat termasuk Rusia dan agar kawasan kemalangan tidak dicemar dan keperluan penyiasat antarabangsa yang bebas.

Penyiasat antarabangsa yang bebas ini ditegaskan sejak awal bersama presiden Ukraine dan Perdana Menteri Malaysia Dato' Seri Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, yang bermaksud sebagai satu amaran kepada Rusia tidak menghalang siasatan ke atas insiden ini yang berlaku di wilayah dikuasai pemisah pro-Rusia.

Pada Jumaat, penyiasat Organisasi bagi Keselamatan dan Kerjasama di Eropah, OSCE, telah tiba di lokasi insiden. Pemberontak dikatakan menghalang akses kepada kawasan pesawat terhempas, dan kemungkinan penglibatan mereka bakal mendorong lagi tindakan menyekat penyiasat luar. 

Obama juga dalam ucapan itu menegaskan pendirian AS mendesak gencatan senjata dilaksanakan segera di wilayah berkonflik di timur Ukraine itu. 

Kejadian MH17 ini melibatkan pihak utama yang merupakan sekutu rapat AS seperti Belanda, Malaysia, Australia dan Ukraine. Hal ini membolehkan AS memimpin respons terhadap kejadian ini dan kesan-kesannya kemudian.

Dalam sidang media itu, Obama juga menegaskan bahawa konflik di Ukraine kini memperlihatkan implikasi globalnya yang tidak boleh diabaikan lagi oleh dunia.

Setakat ini, Washington secara rasmi masih tidak menunjukkan kecenderungan untuk secara terbuka dan keras menekan Rusia, tetapi secara konsisten membina sokongan daripada masyarakat antarabangsa untuk menunjukkan respons yang seragam.

Perkembangan ini bermakna Malaysia kini berdepan kemungkinan menghadapi ujian dalam hubungan dengan Rusia, selepas hubungan dengan China terjejas akibat peristiwa kehilangan MH370 empat bulan lalu.

China dan Rusia ialah sekutu yang semakin merapatkan hubungan dan kerjasama dalam politik, perdagangan dan ekonomi sejak kebelakangan ini, yang berjalan selari dengan kemerosotan hubungan dengan AS.

Kedua-dua negara ialah sebahagian daripada lima negara kuasa ekonomi dan politik yang pantas meningkat yang digelar Brics, menggabungkan Brazil, Rusia, India, China dan Afrika Selatan.

Gabungan ini baru-baru ini mengumumkan penubuhan bank pembangunan yang dilihat sebagai pencabar kepada Bank Dunia dan Dana Kewangan Antarabangsa, IMF, dan pada masa yang sama melaksanakan urusniaga yang meningkatkan profil mata wang yuan China.  

Sekiranya ini terjadi, ini bermakna Malaysia bakal terlibat lagi dalam persaingan kuasa besar dunia, yang implikasinya bakal mempengaruhi politik global, terutama melibatkan hubungan AS dan sekutu dengan Rusia.

Ini mendedahkan Malaysia kepada cabaran keselamatan yang semakin meningkat, yang disukarkan lagi oleh peranan besar kuasa-kuasa global yang mempunyai hubungan baik dengan Kuala Lumpur

All Asean boycott and BDS campaign launched against Israel

The Malaysian Consultative Council of Islamic Organizations (MAPIM) is calling for an All Asean boycott of all Israeli related products and services . The campaign is linked to the Boycott ,Divestment and Sanctions ( BDS ) which is an international campaign .

In the light of the current atrocious aggression by the Israel military, killing hundreds of civilians and injuring thousands in Gaza , this campaign is timely, critical and urgently needed  to put pressure on Israel and the US, the two terrorist nations of the world.

We belief that the BDS campaign will create opportunities for a wider participation through non-violent means of resistance against the Israeli war crimes. As one activist stated, "Just a very small percentage of the population will be willing to be suicide bombers or martyrs. Just slightly more will be willing to use guns. Then maybe stones will bring slightly more. But with non-violent resistance...every person in the society can participate."

We are aiming for direct action on Israel and the US through community organizations and  media reporting to enable a wide range of people , irrespective of religion and creed , to be involved in the resistance to occupation by Israel on Palestine .

On a regional level we are collaborating with NGOs and human rights organizations in Asean. While globally, we promote the direct participation by international activists and the creation of worldwide support networks and solidarity groups.

Our goal is to inflict "punitive measures" against Israel until it "complies with the precepts of international law"

The BDS campaign against Israel is targeted to:

1. Ending its occupation and colonization of all Palestinian lands and dismantling the separation Wall;

2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and

3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN Resolution 194."

The Campaign will apply a three pronged approach:

1. Boycott: "targets products and companies (Israeli and international) that profit from the violation of Palestinian rights, as well as Israeli sporting, cultural and academic institutions [which] directly contribute to maintaining, defending or whitewashing the oppression of Palestinians as Israel deliberately tries to boost its image internationally through academic and cultural collaborations".

2. Divestment "means targeting corporations complicit in the violation of Palestinian rights and ensuring that the likes of the university investment portfolios and pension funds are not used to finance such companies".

3. Sanctions are described as "an essential part of demonstrating disapproval for a country's actions. Israel's membership of various diplomatic and economic forums provides both an unmerited veneer of respectability and material support for its crimes."

As well as promoting boycott, divestment and sanctions, the campaign seeks to establish a critical image of Israel in contrast to the one it presents to the world.

The BDS campaign is important in contesting "the hegemonic framing of Israel as a victim state in the face of Palestinian ‘terrorism.’'

The BDS movement has been framed to expose and challenge a series of corresponding repressive policies. These include:

- the denial of the right of return of Palestinian refugees,
- militarised violence directed against Palestinian men, women and children,
- the confiscation of land from Palestinians,
- the demolition of Palestinian homes and
- the daily racism invoked by a series of policies directed at Palestinians which encumber their freedom of mobility, access to education and ability to earn a living.

We are confident through continuous effort of gradual education and awareness building of the public , with the consistent mobilization of civil societies , the Asean community can inflict enough pressure against Israel .

We are motivated by the various boycott initiatives launched by many associations throughout the world as recorded below:

1. Academic boycott

In April 2013, the Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS) voted to boycott Israeli universities and academic institutions. It was joined in December by the American Studies Association (ASA). In a vote in which 1,252 of its 5,000 members participated, 66% voted in favour of a boycott. The reasons given were "Israel's violation of international law and UN resolutions; the documented impact of the Israeli occupation on Palestinian scholars and students; [and] the extent to which Israeli institutions of higher education are a party to state policies that violate human rights."

2. Student's action

A list of 2012 academic and cultural boycott successes has been compiled by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel. In 2013, the Palestinian BDS National Committee published an interactive timeline listing some of the movement's key achievements.
In March 2009, large scale student demonstrations were held at several UK Universities to protest Israel's actions in Gaza. At Cardiff University the protests led to the University divesting all investments in BAE Systems, an arms manufacturer that co-operates with Israel.

3. Boycott in advertisement

In May 2009, advertisements for tourism in Israel were removed from the London underground network in response to pressure from the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign. In July 2009, Dexia, a Belgian-French financial group, stopped all financial services to Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

BDS has received support from various internationally renowned figures such as Richard A. Falk, Stephen Hawkings, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Alice Walker.

Richard Falk specifically named the United States' Caterpillar Inc., Hewlett Packard and Motorola; Israel's Ahava, Elbit Systems and Mehadrin; Sweden's Volvo Group and Assa Abloy ; France's Veolia Environment; United Kingdom's G4S, Belgium's Dexia Group, Netherlands' Riwal Holding Group and Mexico's Cemex.

We note also the BDS campaign has gathered momentum based on the initiatives from many countries both government and the public. The following are just some of them:


In 2011, a series of protests were staged at Max Brenner outlets, a franchise of the Israeli Strauss Group which supplies the Israeli Defence Forces.


The United Church of Canada voted to boycott products from Israeli settlements. In March 2014, the University of Windsor Student Alliance considered plans to implement the results of a referendum vote in which the majority of voters called for the University to boycott companies with ties to Israel.


In January 2014, Danske Bank, which is the largest bank in Denmark, blacklisted Israel's largest bank, Bank Hapoalim, for "acting against the rules of international humanitarian law" due to its funding of Jewish settlements in the West Bank.


Since 2010, over 250 Irish artists have pledged to boycott Israel along with over 140 Irish academics.
In March 2014, members of NUI Galway Students' Union voted to join the BDS campaign in a 64% victory, making it the first Irish students' union to endorse a boycott of Israel. The vote is non-binding on the university


Luxembourg's state pension fund has blacklisted eight Israeli firms along with US firm Motorola Solutions for assisting in human rights violations and illegal settlements in the State of Palestine.

The Netherlands

In 2013, Dutch water company Vitens severed ties with Israel pointing to alleged violations of international law while engineering company Royal Haskoning DHV cancelled work on a project in East Jerusalem stating that "involvement in the project could be in violation of international law."

 New Zealand

In December 2012 the New Zealand Superannuation Fund excluded three Israeli companies from its portfolio because of their involvement in the construction of Israeli settlements and the Israeli West Bank barrier.


In January 2014, the government of Norway announced that its pension fund will no longer invest in two Israeli companies (Africa Israel Investments and Danya Cebus) "due to [their] contribution to serious violations of individual rights in war or conflict through the construction of settlements in East Jerusalem."Norway's YMCA-YWCA joined the boycott in 2014, announcing that it will support "[a] broad economic boycott of goods and services from Israel and Israeli settlements.”.


Claiming "respect for international law, the positions of the EU and the protection of Romanian citizens", Romania announced in 2012 that it will not allow Romanian labourers to be sent to Israel unless guarantees are provided that they will not be employed in construction projects in the West Bank.

South Africa

In 2011 the University of Johannesburg decided to suspend ties with Israeli Ben-Gurion University, while still allowing "individual faculty" to continue cooperating with the Israeli University on a water purification project, citing the University's support for the Israeli military.
On 31 August 2012 the Wits University Students' Representative Council (Wits SRC) adopted a declaration of academic and cultural boycott of Israel.
In March 2013, eleven student BDS supporters at the Wits University were arrested after they forced the cancellation of a concert by Israeli pianist Yossi Reshef.

United Kingdom

Academic boycotts of Israel
On 22 April 2005, the Association of University Teachers (AUT) Council voted to boycott two Israeli universities: University of Haifa and Bar-Ilan University.
At the 2009 University and College Union (UCU) annual congress, the union passed a resolution to boycott Israeli academics and academic institutions by a large majority. Delegates stated that Israeli academics were complicit in their government's acts against Palestinians.

United States

In December 2013, the American Studies Association (ASA) decided to join the boycott of all Israeli academic institutions. The New York Timesreported that ASA's president Curtis Marez argued that America has "a particular responsibility to answer the call for boycott because it is the largest supplier of military aid to the state of Israel."

With these records we are convinced that directing the BDS campaign towards Israel will eventually give the impact that we hope for in the struggle to protect and resume the rights of the Palestinians and to stop all the atrocities perpetuated by Zionist Israel .

We are calling all Asean consumers to use their right to choose and the right to boycott products and services and to pressure their respective government to break away trade and diplomatic relationships, social and cultural cooperation, academic and financial linkages, military and technological collaborations.

We urge all the civil society, politicians and private entrepreneurs in Malaysia to cut all engagement with Israel related dealings .

The campaign will be a long and continuous effort to impact on the racist Israeli regime. We are establishing an All Asean BDS Campaign Against Israel Secretariat ( ABC-Israel ) to coordinate and network with as many civil groups , eminent Asean public figures , influential scholars and grass roots activists.

We are targeting the participation of 5,000 civil and people's organizations, 1000 Parliamentarians in all Asean countries to effectively execute the campaign within the next three months.

We will develop a monitoring mechanism to ensure that the campaign meets its targeted impact. The secretariat will be recruiting volunteers from each Asean country to launch the BDS movement and sustain the campaign activities.

We will maximize the participation and support from the public for this campaign.- ES

Gaza: Jumlah korban meningkat 804 orang

GAZA: Serangan tentera Zionis ke atas Gaza masuk hari ke-19 hari ini dan menyaksikan sejumlah 804 orang rakyat Palestin yang kebanyakannya wanita dan kanak-kanak gugur syahid setakat ini.

Selain itu, jumlah cedera juga terus meningkat sehingga 5,200 orang mengakibatkan hospital di Gaza tidak mampu lagi untuk menampung mangsa.

Lebih memburukkan keadaan apabila mereka kini turut berdepan krisis bahan api.

Semalam sekurang-kurangnya 15 terbunuh manakala 70 yang lain cedera apabila sebuah sekolah dikendali Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (UNRWA) di Beit Hanoun, Utara Gaza dibedil dengan peluru meriam oleh tentera Zionis Israel.

Jurucakap Kementerian Kesihatan Ashraf al-Qudra, berkata peluru meriam Israel disasarkan ke dalam sekolah walaupun bendera PBB jelas berkibar di atas bangunan.

Sekolah UNRWA adalah merupakan salah satu tempat yang memberi perlindungan kepada pelarian Palestin.

Israel memeulakan serangan ke atas Gaza sejak 7 Julai lalu.

Dan kini serangan secara agresif dilakukan meliputi operasi darat, udara dan juga laut.

Pejuang sayap kanan Hamas, Briged Al-Qassam pula turut membuat serangan balas sebagai mempertahankan kubu mereka.

Sehingga kini lebih 30 tentera Zionis Israel dilapor terkorban. -

Tiada lagi catuan air di Selangor walau paras air menurun

water_tank_truck_hulu_langat-e13932879617521SHAH ALAM: Kerajaan negeri Selangor telah memutuskan untuk tidak melaksanakan semula catuan bekalan air dan akan memastikan kuantiti sumber air mencukupi untuk loji pembersihan air ( LPA) beroperasi pada tahap maksima.
Menurut Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tetap Belia dan Sukan, Infrastruktur dan Kemudahan Awam Selangor, Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi, setakat 18 Julai ini, terdapat penurunan di antara 0.8 peratus sehingga 3 peratus bagi kapasiti semua empangan.
“Walaupun terdapat penurunan, namun kerajaan negeri tidak akan melakukan catuan air semula.
“Paras air di empangan menurun disebabkan cuaca panas dan kering serta ketiadaan hujan di kawasan tadahan empangan,” jelasnya.
Dalam masa yang sama, Yunus turut menyeru agar semua pihak berhemah dan berjimat dalam menggunakan air di musim perayaan ini.
“Harap semua berjimat dalam menggunakan air lebih- lebih lagi dengan cuaca kering dan panas yang sedang di alami,” katanya.
Selain itu, Pihak Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) telah bersetuju untuk menggunakan khidmat pesawat daripada Tentera Udara DiRaja Malaysia (TUDM) bagi operasi pembenihan awan.
Menurutnya, perkara ini telah mendapat kerjasama daripada pihak Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia (MET).
“Hal ini perlu kerana operasi pembenihan awam di Selangor akan dilakukan pada skala yang besar,” katanya.

MB batalkan rumah terbuka bagi menghormati mangsa MH17 dan MH370

khalid ibrahimSHAH ALAM: Kerajaan negeri Selangor telah membuat keputusan untuk membatalkan rumah terbuka Aidilfitri pada 1 Syawal ini.
Menurut Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, tujuan pembatalan ini dilakukan adalah bagi menghormati mangsa-mangsa nahas pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) penerbangan MH17 dan juga MH370.
“Seluruh negara bersedih dengan tragedi ini. Namun umat Islam masih disyariatkan untuk meraikan Aidilfitri setelah sebulan mengerjakan ibadah berpuasa di bulan Ramadan.
“Saya berharap rakyat Selangor menyambut Aidilfitri pada tahun ini dengan penuh kesederhanaan dan penuh tertib,” jelasnya.
Sebelum ini, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak turut membatalkan rumah terbukanya yang dijadualkan pada 1 Syawal.

Astro dituntut beri penjelasan berurusan dengan syarikat Israel

astroPETALING JAYA: Yang DiPertua Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (YADIM), Datuk Dr. Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki meminta pihak Astro beri penjelasan kerana telah berhubung dengan Amdocs sebuah syarikat milik Israel.
Katanya di dalam status Facebooknya, Amdocs adalah syarikat milik Israel yang baru dianugerahkan kontrak ‘Subscriber Management System’ oleh Astro.
“Astro harus beri penjelasan atau diboikot kerana berurusan dengan syarikat Israel.
“Jika tidak, rakyat Malaysia hendaklah beramai-ramai memboikot Astro sebagai bantahan terhadap pembunuhan rakyat Palestin,” jelasnya di laman web
Lapor web Haaretz, Amdocs merupakan salah satu syarikat Israel yang paling berjaya dan konsisten yang telah ditubuhkan sejak 30 tahun lalu sebagai pemaju perisian untuk direktori telefon.
Amdocs dikatakan terus kekal mempertahankan ciri-ciri Israel dalam organisasi tersebut.
Bagaimanapun, Rabu lalu Amdocs telah mengumumkan bahawa mereka dipilih oleh Astro All Asia Network plc Measat Broadcast Network Systems (Astro) bagi membolehkan Astro menambah baik penyampaian perkhidmatan kepada lebih daripada 1.5 juta pelanggan disamping mengurangkan kos.
Kontrak tersebut dianggarkan bernilai jutaan dolar bagi penyediaan perisian dan perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan.

Ukraine PM quits, complicating MH17 probe

372628_Ukraine-Arseniy-YatsenyukDONETSK: Ukraine’s prime minister resigned after his governing coalition collapsed, plunging the former Soviet state into political limbo as it struggles to quell a deadly rebellion in the east.
The shock announcement yesterday added to an already chaotic situation in the rebel-controlled east, where international experts are carrying out a complex investigation into last week’s downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 that left 298 dead.
And the gravity of the situation facing the country was underscored by allegations from Washington that the US has evidence Russian troops are firing artillery on Ukrainian military positions from Russian soil.
Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said he was stepping down over the “dissolution of the parliamentary coalition and the blocking of government initiatives” after several parties walked out on the ruling group.
The collapse of the ruling coalition paves the way for early elections to be called by President Petro Poroshenko within 30 days.
Although a truce has been declared by both the rebels and government forces in the immediate vicinity of the vast crash site, heavy shelling was ongoing nearby including around Donetsk, just 60km from the scene.
Ukraine’s army reported four soldiers killed over the last 24 hours in its offensive to retake the eastern industrial heartland from pro-Russian insurgents.
Countries which lost 298 citizens in the disaster are looking to deploy armed police to secure the impact zone, with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte announcing the Netherlands was sending 40 unarmed police to the crash site.
“On the site it is still clear that nothing is happening without the approval of the armed rebels who brought the plane down in the first place,” said Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, whose country lost 28 citizens in the crash.
“There has still not been anything like a thorough professional search of the area where the plane went down, and there can’t be while the site is controlled by armed men with vested interest in the outcome of the investigation.”
Abbott has placed 50 Australian officers on stand-by in London.
Rockets from Russia
The Ukrainian military said rockets were being fired “from the Russian side”, hitting locations close to the Lugansk airport and in several areas in the Donetsk region.
US intelligence officials have said they believe the rebels mistakenly shot down the Malaysia Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur with a surface-to-air missile provided by Russia.
Moscow has denied the charges and Putin has pledged to “do everything” to influence the separatists and ensure a full probe into the crash.
Russia has continued a troop build-up near the Ukraine border and kept up deliveries of arms and equipments to separatists since the downing of the Malaysian airliner, US defence officials told AFP, without confirming that Russian troops were firing on Ukrainian positions.
The first bodies from the crash arrived in the Netherlands on Wednesday to a solemn ceremony. Dozens more were flown there on Thursday to undergo an identification process that Rutte has warned could take months.
Dutch police have also been visiting bereaved relatives of the victims to retrieve DNA samples from items such as hairbrushes, and obtain details of tattoos and fingerprints, as well as consulting medical and dental records to help with the identification.

Australia: Search for MH370 not forgotten

MELBOURNE: The search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has not been overshadowed by last week’s downing of the MH17 aircraft, says Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss.
“I want to assure the families of those onboard MH370 that we have not forgotten the importance of maintaining the search for that aircraft. We are continuing that search uninterrupted,” Truss was quoted by the Australian Associated Press (AAP) as telling reporters in Darwin today.
On March 8, the Boeing 777-200 aircraft disappeared with 239 people onboard, and its flight path is thought to have ended somewhere in the southern Indian Ocean.
But the world has also been following the suspected shooting down of Flight MH17 last Thursday, leaving all 298 people onboard dead.
AAP quoted Truss as saying that the Chinese and Australian vessels were mapping out the sea surface in the next area of the Indian Ocean to be scoured.
He added that Canberra was close to issuing a tender for the next-stage sonar search of a 60,000sq km area. – Bernama

NGO lauds cyclist's 'heroic' Save Gaza message

Malaysian cyclist Azizulhasni Awang who hoisted the “Save Gaza” message on the gloves he wore yesterday after passing the finish line in Glasgow's Commonwealth Games is a people's hero and a champion for humanity, an Islamic NGO said today.
Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement (Abim) said in a press statement that Azizulhasni represented all Malaysians, regardless of race or religion, and rightly condemned Israel for its recent shelling of Gaza.

Missile batteries point finger at Ukraine

Day 8 of the MH17 tragedy

Latest developments
  • BUK batteries found in Ukraine-controlled territory

  • More states cancel Aidilfitri open house
  • Netherlands to lead international team to secure site
  • Black boxes data downloaded, no sign of tampering
  • More bodies, plane fuselage found
Follow us as we bring the latest updates and coverage on Flight MH17:

Penang gov't, Anwar scrap open house plans too

4.30pm: Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng announces that all state-organised Aidilfitri open house events will be cancelled in respect of the deaths of victims of MH17.
"Also cancelled are Hari Raya open house organised in my constituency, Air Putih, Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang (PBAPP), and state development arm, Penang Development Corporation," Lim says during at a press conference.

The decision,, he explains, was made following the announcement by Cabinet yesterday to scrap its own planned event.

For the same reason, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim and Seberang Jaya assemblyperson Dr Afif Bahardin also inform of the cancellation of their open house, both initially planned for July 30.

M'sian team exits crash site

4.10pm: Australia is beefing up its force in Europe to 190 federal police officers (AFP), who would be ready to enter Donetsk with an international task force to secure the crash site as soon as permission is granted.

This, according to The Australian, would be the largest deployment of AFP overseas, not since the Bali Bombing

 AFP Commissioner Tony Negus says in the report that the force will, however, be led by the Dutch and only some officers will be armed.

In the same article, Prime Minister Tony Abbott says that the mission is expected to last no more than a few weeks.

4pm: The Malaysian MH17 investigation team has left the crash site on Thursday after finding what they were looking for in three days of groundwork, The Star reports.
The team took an interest in the fuselage they found on Wednesday that seemed to have holes caused by possible shrapnel. This was not seen in other wreckage, states the report.

"I believe the Malaysians have finished for now and they'll be heading back to Kiev," Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) spokesperson Michael Bociurkiw tells reporters in Donetsk.

He adds that he does not know if more Malaysians would join the international team, now still scouting the grounds for further evidence.

Selangor open house axed

3.54pm: The Selangor government, too, is cancelling its Aidilfitri open house out of respect for the victims of MH17.

“The whole nation is mourning the tragedy, yet Muslims must celebrate Aidilfitri after fasting in the month of Ramadan.

“We hope the people of Selangor will celebrate Aidilfitri this year with moderation...” Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim says in a statement announcing the cancellation of the state-planned event, slated for July 28.

Kelantan team to sport MAS logo on jersey

3.06pm: Bernama reports that in a show of support for MAS following the MH17 tragedy, the Kelantan Football Association will sport the national carrier’s logo on the team’s jersey in the next season.

"For the 2015 season, the Kelantan football jersey will have the MAS logo. We will do it voluntarily at no charge," club adviser Annuar Musa tells reporters.

NST: Buk missile batteries found in Ukraine-controlled area

12.55pm: New Straits Times today claims that at least four BUK missile batteries were positioned near Donetsk in a Ukrainian government-controlled territory, citing intelligence sources.
However, the report does not state which agency or country these sources are affiliated to.

The report says this corroborates claims by former AP journalist Robert Parry that US satellite images had spotted the missile launchers manned by personnel in what appeared to be Ukrainian or similar uniforms. He too cited unnamed sources.

A single BUK missile battery typically comprises a vehicle carrying a radar system and two launch vehicles carrying four missiles each. The launch vehicles also carry a smaller radar system.

Another company bids for MH17 trademark

12.45pm: A Malaysian-owned company Remit Now International Ltd has applied to trademark 'MH17' for purposes of film, game shows, musicals, video games, music and texts, the Australian Associated Press (AAP) reports.

It said the application was filed with IP Australia on July 18 and is being considered, while Malaysia Airlines has started to trademark 'MH17' and 'MH370' in Australia as well.

“The purpose is to ensure that no party takes advantage of the tragedy for their personal gain,” a MAS spokesperson reportedly told AAP.

Meanwhile, technology news website Digital News Asia (DNA) says although Remit Now applied for the trademark under an address in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, the company also has another address in Belize City and is apparently linked to Belizean company Seyefull Investments Ltd.

DNA had previously reported that Seyefull Investments is applying to trademark 'MH17' in the EU.

Terengganu open house latest to be cancelled

11.30am: Terengganu Menteri Besar Ahmad Razif Abd Rahman joins a growing list of senior officials who are cancelling their Aidilfitri open house events following the downing of MH17.

“The cancellation is made out of respect for what happened to MH17 that crashed in Ukraine last week,” says a statement from his office, Bernamareports.

The event was originally scheduled for July 28.

'Shrapnel-like' holes dot plane body

11.17am: Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) spokesperson Michael Bociurkiw says his monitors have found two MH17 fuselage parts that are dotted with "shrapnel-like, almost machine gun-like holes”, according to a Wall Street Journalreport.
Bociurkiw said the parts have already been examined by Malaysian aviation security officers on the scene, and is the first on-the-ground assessment of what could be clues of a missile-strike.

However, the report notes that shrapnel damage does not immediately prove allegations that a BUK missile shot down MH17, but finding actual shrapnel would open the possibility of chemical analysis to determine the weapon used.

However, this still does not answer the question who fired the missile. The BUK uses a high-explosive fragmentation warhead, which sends a cloud of speeding shrapnel to shred its target aircraft.

Negeri Sembilan MB cancels Raya do
Negri Sembilan Menteri Besar Mohamad Hasan says the state government has cancelled its Aidilfitri open house originally scheduled for the first day of Hari Raya, Bernama reports.

Mohamad  says this is done out of respect for those who were killed in the MH17 shooting.

Yesterday, the prime minister’s open house at Sri Perdana and the national-level open house at Dataran Rembau were also cancelled, while Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin postponed this open house in Pagoh to a date that has yet to be announced.

Deal for 'Australian presence' in Ukraine inked 

10.30am: Australian newspaper The Age says the Netherlands is expected to lead a multinational team to secure MH17’s 50-square-kilometre crash site, possibly including military personnel.

Other countries expected to contribute are Australia, serving in a deputy role, as well as Malaysia, Germany and the United Kingdom.          
The report says Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has already signed an agreement with her Ukrainian counterpart to allow for an Australian presence in the country, and only needs Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko’s signature to seal the deal.

In addition, it says Australia is negotiating with Russia and the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic to ensure the safety of the personnel.

Earlier, the AFP quoted Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte (above,right) announcing that 40 unarmed Dutch police personnel would be sent to the crash site.

Deadliest year for aviation

9.20am: With the death toll now already at 719 dead or presumed dead, Wall Street Journal (WSJ) says 2014 looks to be deadliest year for commercial aviation since the 786 deaths in 2010 – breaking a three-year declining trend in airline fatalities.
Nevertheless, the International Air Transport Association gave its assurance that it is still safe to fly, with about 100,000 flights taking to the skies each day without incident.

“In 2013 more than three billion people flew and there were 210 fatalities. Regrettably, we have surpassed that number already this year. But even so, getting on an aircraft is still among the safest activities that one can do,” says Iata chief executive Tony Tyler in a statement.

Black boxes have not been tampered with

8.55am: The UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) has successfully downloaded data from MH17’s flight data recorder, after doing the same with the cockpit voice recorder yesterday.
The Dutch Safety Board - which is leading the investigation and enlisted AAIB’s help to extract the data – says there is no evidence of tampering with both black boxes, Reutersreports.

Previously, some world leaders have expressed concern that the data could have been manipulated as it was in the custody of pro-Russian separatists.

Body finds shows detailed area sweep needed

8.45am: International investigators found previously undiscovered pieces of MH17 and human remains at the crash site, according to the Australian broadcaster ABC News.
“For the second day in a row we did come across more human remains, not much, but it does indicate that they are there and... that a very detailed sweep of the entire area will probably be needed to make sure nothing is missed,” Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) spokesperson Michael Bociurkiw is quoted saying.

As for the aircraft part, Bociurkiv said it appeared to be a piece of the fuselage with the windows still intact, and was large enough for a person to climb inside.

Meanwhile, ABC reports that the head of the Dutch police mission in Ukraine said access to the site remained difficult, with pro-Russian separatists blocking access and harassing recovery workers, amongst other problems.

However, the OSCE said there had been no incidents overnight. Apart from the OSCE, Australian and Malaysian experts have also visited the crash site.

ICAO to meet airline officials next week?

8.30am: The UN’s International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) will be meeting with airline industry officials and air traffic controllers in Montreal next week over the MH17 incident, Reutersreports quoting two anonymous sources.
“But both sources also said it was not immediately clear what action would result from the meeting, given the agency's limited operational role. ICAO does not issue warnings about the dangers linked to conflict,” the report says.

It adds that an ICAO spokesperson said a meeting is under discussion but has not been confirmed, while the International Air Transport Association (Iata) declined to comment.

7am: Malaysian Airlines (MAS) will be hosting a multi-faith prayer session for families of the MH17 victims and invited guests at the MAS Academy Auditorium in Kelana Jaya tonight.

In a statement last night, the airlines also said it held tahlil prayers and a recital of the Yaasin in memory of the MH17’s passengers and crew yesterday.

“The prayers, which was held at Masjid Tengku Kelana Jaya Petra, Kelana Jaya, saw more than 500 Malaysia Airlines staff as well as fellow Muslims congregate to seek blessings for the souls lost in the tragic downing of MH17,” it said.

  • Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 with 298 people on board crashed in eastern Ukraine at around 10.15pm on July 17 (Malaysian time), near the Ukraine-Russia border. The Boeing 777-200 was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur and was due to arrive at 6am the next day.
  • A proxy war is taking place in the area pitting the Western-backed Ukraine government against Ukrainian separatists supported by Russia. It is said to be the worst crisis between the West and the former Soviet republic since the Cold War.
  • US says it is convinced the aircraft was shot down by a surface-to-air missile from territory controlled by Russian-backed Ukrainian separatists.
  • Russian president Vladimir Putin has blamed the tragedy on the Ukraine government for prolonging the war against the separatists.
  • Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak says Malaysia will not assign blame until there is concrete evidence but wants "swift justice" against the perpetrators.