Saturday, July 28, 2012

All BN's eggs are in Najib's basket

VOXPOP 'The fact that billions are spent to improve Najib's popularity alone shows that they are relying on him to win rather than BN.'


'Falling ratings spell trouble for lone wolf Najib'

vox populi small thumbnailClever Voter: As in the case of most things, Mr PM has to win with the support of his team. Even if he is most popular, it does not reflect on the entire coalition.

Sadly he is surrounded with not only incompetent people but dishonest ones, too. Too proud and arrogant to feel sorry, too guilty to admit, too stupid to see the big picture, too painful to eat their words, and best of all, too many lies they have made to the society they were entrusted to protect and look after.

Lastly, too late to reverse their shameful records.

Starr: It is bizarre that the timing of the election depends on the personal popularity of the prime minister.

Najib Razak has said it himself, BN does not depend on his personal popularity to win elections, BN's track record alone will win it as it has been done in the past.

This coming election is not about the choice of Najib or Anwar Ibrahim, but of BN or Pakatan Rakyat based on the decades-old performance of Umno-BN.

For the majority of the electorate, they pretty sure know which way to vote without the influence of the popularity surveys.

James1067: The fact that billions are spent to improve Najib's popularity alone and not BN shows that they are relying on him to win rather than the party.

This is a dangerous move as the party comes before any leader. It makes a single man indispensable and if there is even a single blot of wrongdoing, it will put the whole party in jeopardy.

It looks like they have put all the eggs in Najib's basket.

Anonymous_rb345: Since Ah Jib Gor (Brother Najib) is so well-liked, he should contest in all 222 parliamentary seats. The rest of the candidates should just let him win the election by himself.

CCM probe orchestrated by government, claims Suaram

Tailek: So what if Suaram is an NGO or a company? Either way, they are entitled to and have legal capacity to act as the complainant in the French probe.
CCM (Companies Commission of Malaysia) and JMM (Jaringan Melayu Malaysia) can screw around with legal technicalities, but in the end, the Malaysian and international public all know the intimate involvement of the ‘two Razaks' in the Scorpene scandal and Mongolian murder case.

Melayu1: This is called 'protecting Umno/BN/Najib Razak at all costs'. It doesn't matter how bad it makes the CCM look, it has to do what it has been told.

The rakyat have seen this for a long time, any complaint against Umno-BN enemies will be dealt with swiftly and harshly, whereas if the complaint is against them, they use every excuse in the book not to take action.

Sadirah: It is amazing how quick CCM has acted on a complaint against Suaram. Just ask the Public Complaints Bureau, and you can see the effectiveness and efficiency of their delivery system.

CCM is quick to please the powers-that-be, and thus it is another tool at the service of the ruling party.

Tholu: Only inhuman beings will complain against organisations that fight for fair and just treatment of humans.

And only unprincipled institutions that allow themselves to be manipulated and used by the government will act on such complaints.

Anonymous #41809171: The government knows full well that there are lots more NGOs that are really registered as companies that have been operating without trouble for years.

PT Foundation, which does works with sex workers, people with HIV status and MSM (men who have sex with men), was previously known as Pink Triangle Sdn Bhd. Even then, it worked with the government and was receiving funding from them.

So what's the big deal, really? This is clearly a case of the government going all out to find fault and illegitimise an organisation for pursuing an action that will make the ruling party look bad.

Truth Unfold: These agencies who are slaves and lapdogs of their masters forget their salaries come from public funds.

In short, they act like robots and they only take command from their masters. Soon we will know the outcome of the Paris court proceedings.

Who is greater, Suaram or the culprits? It is like the old saying - there is no point in showing bravery at home, go out to the world and prove yourselves if you are innocent.

Lexicon: Suaram, you really are a voice of the Malaysians. Keep speaking out - your efforts are making Malaysia a better place, and you are playing a crucial role in our history.

These backhanded attempts at intimidation cannot stop history any more than Canute, the king of Denmark, could command the tide.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Jumlah Perbelanjaan Tidak Terancang Oleh Perdana Menteri Melebihi Kutipan Cukai Eksais Setiap Tahun

KEADILAN mengalu-alukan pelbagai maklumbalas setakat ini berhubung cadangan menurunkan harga kereta melalui kaedah rombakan struktur cukai yang dikenakan ke atas kereta terutamanya cukai eksais dan cukai import. Maklumbalas yang bertalu-talu mengesahkan pandangan KEADILAN bahawa isu ini adalah isu rakyat yang perlu dibincangkan di peringkat nasional.

Kenyataan beberapa pimpinan Umno/Barisan Nasional yang cepat melatah bahawa rombakan struktur cukai ini akan menurunkan harga kereta berjenama antarabangsa setara dengan harga kereta-kereta Proton menampakkan mereka tidak memahami konsep cukai eksais.

Cukai eksais yang dikenakan terhadap pembelian kereta adalah cukai menyeluruh yang tidak membezakan di antara jenama dan model kereta tempatan atau antarabangsa. Cukai eksais adalah cukai yang dikenakan terhadap sesuatu kumpulan barangan, maka cukai eksais terhadap pembelian kereta adalah cukai yang dikenakan terhadap mana-mana pembelian kereta pada kadar yang sama.

Struktur cukai-cukai yang kini dikuatkuasakan ke atas pembelian kereta adalah seperti berikut:

A) Kereta (termasuk station wagonsports cars dan racing cars)

Capacity (cc)
 < 1,800
 1,800 – 1,999
 2,000 – 2,499
 Above 2,500

 B) Kenderaan Pacuan 4 Roda

Capacity (cc)
 < 1,800
 1,800 – 1,999
 2,000 – 2,499
 Above 2,500

 C) Lain-lain (MPV & van)

Capacity (cc)
 < 1,500
 1,500 – 1,799
 1,800 – 1,999
 2,000 – 2,499
 Above 2,500

Ini bermakna, hampir semua kereta yang dijual oleh Proton dan Perodua dicukai sekurang-kurangnya 85% dalam bentuk cukai eksais dan cukai jualan; samalah dengan model-model yang dijual oleh Honda, Toyota dan lain-lain.
Oleh itu, jika rombakan struktur cukai dibuat dan cukai eksais dihapuskan, harga kesemua model kereta (baik Proton, Perodua, Toyota, Honda dan lain-lain) akan turun secara berkadar terus dengan jumlah cukai eksais yang dikenakan selama ini.

Maka, harga kereta Proton dan Perodua masih kekal sebagai harga kereta terendah di pasaran pada harga purata di bawah RM30,000 setiap satu model, berbanding kereta-kereta lain (seperti Honda, Toyota dan lain-lain) yang harganya akan jatuh sekitar RM50,000 setiap satu model secara purata.

Ini mengukuhkan pendirian KEADILAN bahawa rombakan struktur cukai ke arah memastikan harga kereta berada pada paras yang munasabah dan adil kepada rakyat adalah penting untuk menambahkan pendapatan bolehguna (disposable income) rakyat dan mengurangkan bebanan mereka.

Saya juga membidas reaksi awal pimpinan Umno/Barisan Nasional yang mempersoalkan sumber kewangan untuk membiayai rombakan struktur cukai kereta ini. Anggaran KEADILAN menunjukkan hasil kutipan cukai eksais dan cukai jualan dari jualan kereta setiap tahun adalah RM8 bilion.

Semakan ke atas segala perbelanjaan diluar perancangan oleh Perdana Menteri dan peningkatan mendadak perbelanjaan Jabatan Perdana Menteri menunjukkan jumlahnya jauh mengatasi RM8 bilion yang diperlukan untuk membantu rakyat ini.

Contoh-contoh perbelanjaan diluar perancangan oleh Perdana Menteri termasuklah Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (RM2.6 bilion), Bantuan Kembali Ke Sekolah 1Malaysia (RM530 juta), Bantuan Buku 1Malaysia (RM260 juta) dan pelbagai skim membeli undi rakyat di bawah jenama 1Malaysia; serta pelbagai pengumuman peruntukan projek segera sepanjang Jelajah Janji Ditepati (dianggarkan mencecah RM180 juta setakat ini).

Jika jumlah ini (sebanyak RM3.57 bilion) dicampur dengan pengumuman bonus terbaru kepada kakitangan awam sebanyak RM2.2 bilion, jumlah segala gula-gula yang sewenang-wenangnya digunakan oleh Perdana Menteri untuk membeli undi rakyat adalah RM5.77 bilion.

Sejak menjadi Perdana Menteri dalam tahun 2009, perbelanjaan mengurus dan pembangunan oleh Jabatan Perdana Menteri juga naik mendadak. Secara puratanya (dengan membandingkan perbelanjaan di bawah pentadbiran Tun Abdullah Badawi dengan purata perbelanjaan tahun-tahun 2009, 2010, 2011 dan peruntukan 2012), perbelanjaan mengurus Jabatan Perdana Menteri telah melonjak sebanyak RM1.4 bilion, sementara perbelanjaan pembangunan meningkat sebanyak RMRM4.6 bilion.

Ini bermakna, jumlah keseluruhan perbelanjaan diluar perancangan dan perbelanjaan tambahan sesuka hati oleh Perdana Menteri setiap tahun adalah seperti berikut:

Perbelanjaan diluar perancangan                     RM5.8 bilion
Peningkatan belanja mengurus JPM               RM1.4  bilion
Peningkatan belanja pembangunan JPM       RM4.6  bilion
Jumlah                                                     RM11.8 bilion

Sebab itu KEADILAN yakin bahawa rombakan struktur cukai ke arah memastikan harga kereta lebih murah tidak akan membebankan negara jika segala keborosan Perdana Menteri dihentikan.

Malah, KEADILAN juga telah membincangkan mekanisme rombakan struktur cukai secara terperinci untuk memastikan penghapusan cukai eksais kelak akan diganti dengan sumber pendapatan yang baru. Mekanisme ini akan diumumkan oleh Ketua Umum KEADILAN, Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim minggu depan sekembalinya beliau dari mengerjakan ibadah umrah.

Perkara ini perlu diperdebatkan dengan lebih halus supaya rakyat boleh membuat keputusan mengenai kaedah percukaian kereta yang paling adil kepada mereka.

Kereta-kereta mewah pemain bola sepak EPL

Kita semua tahu yang pemain-pemain bola dekat EPL ni memang kaya…dengan gaji yang dibayar ratusan ribu pound seminggu…Tak mustahil untuk mereka memiliki kereta-kereta mewah yang menjadi hobi mereka…Tapi bukan kita semua tahu apa kereta yang diorang pakai…Jom kita tengok kereta yang diorang pakai…

Ni kereta baru Fernando Torres…Aston Martin DBS yang bernilai 160,000 pound

Ni pulak kereta baru Wayne Rooney AUDI RS 6 yang bernilai 77,740 pound

Nani punya kereta Lamborghini Gallardo LP550-2 Valentino Balboni bernilai 166,784 pound

Ni pula kereta Anderson…AUDI Q7 bernilai 40,000 pound…Anderson ni hari tu baru je kemalangan dengan supercars beliau AUDI R8 yang bernilai 125,000 pound

Ni gambar AUDI R8 yang kemalangan tu…Memang teruk…dan takde harapan kalau nak baiki balik…Masuk besi buruk la gayanya…

Ni pulak kereta pemain termahal dunia…Cristiano Ronaldo…Bentley GT speed ni bernilai 140,000 pound…

Ni pulak kereta David Beckham…Rolls Royce Phantom Drophead Croupe bernilai 300,000 pound…

Ni bukan satu-satunya kereta diorang…Banyak lagi…Maklum la…dah banyak duit mesti mampu nak beli kereta-kereta macam ni…Sorang-sorang bukan ada sebuah kereta…Paling sikit pun 3 buah…Woowwww…memang dengki…hahaha….




27 JULAI 2012

MB: Air percuma bukti S'gor urus air dengan baik

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Pengimport setuju harga kereta diturunkan

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Memahami minyak dan politik dunia

Hishamuddin Rais
3:04PM Jul 25 2012

Apa sahaja tulisan yang cuba menghuraikan apa yang sedang berlaku di Timur Tengah – tanpa  memahami ekonomi dan kepentingan kaum pemodal – maka analisa itu akan kantoi. Hasilnya bukan satu analisa yang kukuh yang boleh membawa pencerahan tetapi cakaran perasaan ‘kesukuan mazhab’  yang  amat cetek dan kurang ilmiah.

Analisa politik tanpa  ekonomi akan menghasilkan analisa yang tidak mendalam yang hanya berupaya membincangkan  nama watak, nama tempat dan apa yang  telah atau sedang berlaku. Politik  Timur Tengah tanpa diikat rapat  dengan bahan bakar petrol bukan satu analisa politik yang  tuntas.

Saya perhatikan masih ada lagi yang gagal memahami konflik antara  Amerika dengan Syria. Masih ada lagi yang mengira mayat di Syria sebagai tanda kezaliman Presiden Bashar.  Yang menjadi lawak sedih ialah apabila tukang kira ini juga – mungkin kerana mangsa guruh – telah tidak pula mengira mayat-mayat yang terus bergelempangan di Pakistan akibat serangan drone. Drones ini ialah   kapal terbang  pengembom tanpa pemandu milik kuasa imperialis Amerika.

Ramai yang masih berpendapat bahawa apa yang sedang berlaku di Syria ialah pertembungan antara mazhab Shia dengan Sunni. Pandangan ini salah. Pandangan inilah yang  sedang dijual oleh media antarabangsa. Inilah juga ‘cerita’ yang dipungut oleh Pak Lebai dan Pak Khatib ketika mereka cuba memberi  ‘kuliah pencerahan’. Kuliah perncerahan berbentuk ini samalah saperti  Rosmah Mansor memberi kuliah tentang  berjimat cermat – sesat lagi menyesatkan.

Sekali lagi di sini saya nyatakan bahawa apa yang sedang berlaku di Timur Tengah khususnya di Syria adalah hasil perancangan kaum pemodal antrabangsa bersama NATO.  Rancangan untuk mengubah lanskap politik Timur Tengah telah lama di rancang.

Seymour Hesh pada 5 March 2007 dalam majalah New Yoker telah membocorkan dengan panjang  lebar strateji Amerika  yang baru untuk menundukkan rejim-rejim yang dilihat gagal untuk menjadi barua setia saperti Saudi Arabia.

Jantan Yahudi yang bernama Seymour Hesh ini pada tahun 1969 telah memeranjatkan dunia dengan laporan My Lai. Ini adalah berita  jenayah perang  Presiden Richard Nixon di Vietnam. Orang kampung di My Lai telah dibunuh beramai-ramai  oleh soldadu Amerika dalam usaha sia-sia untuk mengalahkan Gerakan Pembebasan Vietnam.

Wartawan ini juga telah bertanggungjawab membocorkan  berita tentang apa yang sedang dilakukan oleh soldadu Amerika terhadap para tahanan di Abu Ghraib Iraq pada tahun 2004. Laporan Abu Gharaib  ini telah mensahihkan sekali lagi bahawa kempen ‘demokrasi dan hak asasi’ yang dibawa oleh Amerika   ke  Timur Tengah hanyalah tipu helah untuk menakluk telaga minyak di Iraq 

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mempersoalkan perjanjian pembekalan minyak untuk pesawat Airbus A380 antara Malaysia Airlines System Bhd (MAS) dan Petron Malaysia (Petron), yang dikaitkannya dengan anggota keluarga Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Katanya, ekoran perjanjian itu syarikat penerbangan negara MAS tidak dibenarkan membeli minyak selain daripada Petron (dahulunya dikenali sebagai Esso Malaysia Bhd) selama enam bulan.

"Saudara, apa punya dasar ekonomi ini. Najib, ini apa? Kamu perdana menteri atau ketua kampung.

"(Najib) ini perdana menteri, dengan Mahathir (dia) takut, dengan PERKASA dia takut, dengan (Barrack) Obama dia takut, balik rumah takut," katanya sambil diiringi ketawa dan sorakan hadirin dalam ceramah di Selayang dekat ibu negara malam tadi.

"Sebab itu, ketelanjuran sudah teruk. Wang kita, kena ingat. MAS ini syarikat penerbangan negara, mana boleh bagi kepada satu syarikat (sahaja)," katanya.

Petron dan MAS menandatangani perjanjian khas pada 29 Jun bagi membekalkan dan membeli bahan api Airbus A380 syarikat penerbangan negara selama enam bulan, bermula 1 Julai lalu.

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif MAS Group Ahmad Jauhari Yahya dilapor berkata syarikat penerbangan itu gembira mendapat rakan yang sama komited kepada keperluan mesra alam Airbus A380.

Bagi meraikan hubungan baru itu, Petron menyediakan bahan api percuma bagi penerbangan sulung pesawat A380 MAS, penerbangan MH2 dari Kuala Lumpur ke London pada malam Ahad sebelum ini.

MAS menerima pesawat A380 pertama di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa KL pada Jumaat.

Pada 5 Jun, MAS juga menikmati bekalan bahan api daripada Petron apabila ia membawa kakitangan dan tetamu untuk mencuba penerbangan A380, termasuk Dr Mahathir.

Sementara itu, Anwar juga mengumumkan akan melaksanakan pendidikan percuma dan penghapusan pinjaman Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN), sebaik sahaja gabungan diumumkan membentuk kerajan jika menang dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Desperate to stay in NZ

5:30 AM Sunday Jul 22, 2012
Photo / Thinkstock

For most blokes, romance can be shown with half a dozen red roses. But one young man tried half a dozen different routes and fake passports to get into New Zealand to see the woman he loved.
Immigration NZ has revealed more than 20 instances of fake Malaysian passports being used to try to get into New Zealand this year, or to transit through to South America.
One 27-year-old had been living in Auckland on a partnership work visa, because his girlfriend lived here. But after they broke up, he was refused a new visa and in May this year he was forced to leave.
Last month, he tried to fly here from Kuala Lumpur but New Zealand border officials told the airline not to let him board.
He then applied for a new visa at Singapore but was declined for the same reason.
The man illegally obtained a new Malaysian passport under a different name and entered Singapore to avoid suspicion. He boarded a flight from Singapore to Auckland. Despite the name change, he was refused entry and sent back to Singapore.
He tried to enter New Zealand once more on the same passport, flying from Sydney to Queenstown, but again, immigration officials refused to let him board.
This month he obtained another Malaysian passport with a different name and date of birth. He caught a flight from Melbourne to Christchurch but was stopped at Christchurch airport, and returned to Melbourne.
"He says he's in love with her," said Karen Urwin, Immigration NZ's border operations manager. "I don't like to stand in the way of Cupid's bow, but he needs to accept that the relationship is over and he's not legally entitled to be in New Zealand."
International airlines are responsible for the cost of flying home passengers entering New Zealand without correct documentation, and Immigration NZ was able to lay charges against airlines who break the rules.
Since the start of last year Singapore Airlines and Jetstar have been charged and convicted for allowing passengers to board against Immigration NZ direction. Each airline was fined $6500.
Five more airlines are awaiting prosecution, but from this month a law change allows the agency to take immediate action against the airline.
Urwin said passengers boarded flights inappropriately for different reasons.
"In some countries it's error, in some countries it's corruption," she said. "If you're a people-smuggler, you pay a check-in agent to get you on the airplane."

Kurangkan harga kereta jadi manifesto Pakatan

Pakatan Rakyat akan menjadikan pengurangan harga kereta yang dianggap barangan keperluan sebagai sebahagian daripada manifesto pilihan raya umum akan datang.

Pengarah Strategi PKR, Rafizi Ramli berkata laporan Kajiselidik Pendapatan dan Kemudahan Isi Rumah 2009 yang baru dikeluarkan Jabatan Perangkaan menunjukkan hampir 72 peratus isi rumah menggunakan kereta sedangkan 53 peratus isi rumah Malaysia berpendapatan di bawah RM3,000 sebulan.

NONEPeratusan yang tinggi itu katanya, berpunca daripada kegagalan Dasar Automatif Negara yang digubal BN pada tahun 2006.

Pada masa sama katanya, hutang kereta persendirian meningkat sebanyak RM16 bilion atau 14 peratus dalam masa 18 bulan sejak November 2010.

Ini membuktikan ia adalah isu pilihan raya yang perlu diberikan
perhatian oleh parti-parti yang bertanding, kata Rafizi.

"Keadaan ini membayangkan bahawa hutang kereta yang disebabkan harga kereta yang tinggi adalah satu beban utama pada rakyat," katanya.

Menurut Rafizi, harga kereta kini tinggi kerana rakyat membayar duti eksais, cukai import dan cukai jualan apabila membeli kereta.

Harga tinggi kerana cukai, duti eksais

Pengenalan duti eksais - sekurang-kurangnya 60 peratus daripada harga kereta - pada masa itu dilakukan untuk mengimbangi cukai import yang dikurangkan kerana Asian Free Trade Agreement (AFTA), katanya.

Rafizi mendakwa tindakan itu dibuat setelah kerajaan antara lainnya menerima nasihat daripada syarikat perunding Ethos Consultancy yang didakwa mempunyai kaitan dengan Ketua Pemuda Umno, Khairy Jamaluddin.

toyota car manufacturer loss of sales report 221208 03"Beliau (Khairy) perlu kongsi dengan kita apakah pertimbangan pada masa itu yang membuatkan kerajaan perkenalkan duti eksais," katanya.

Duti eksais ke atas kereta juga kata Rafizi, ibarat mencukai rakyat atas pembelian barang keperluan seperti makanan, air dan elektrik.

"Anda (kerajaan) tidak sepatutnya menghukum rakyat dengan kutip cukai atas barang keperluan.

"Kalau ada ruang fiskal (belanjawan) yang perlu ditutup, kerajaan perlu cari mekanisma lain," katanya.

Justeru katanya, Pakatan akan melihat kemungkinan menghapuskan duti eksais secara berperingkat untuk mengurangkan harga kereta.

ADUN Pantai Jerejak, Sim Tze Tzin dalam sidang media sama berkata pimpinan muda PKR akan membuat jelajah keliling negara untuk berdialog dan menerangkan perkara itu kepada orang ramai bermula 5 Ogos ini.

"Kita cadangkan dialog peringkat kebangsaan.

"Kita mahu dengar (cadangan) daripada rakyat dan kumpulan berkepentingan seperti Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA), berkenaan perkara ini," katanya.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Japan nuclear plants 'still not safe'


A government-appointed inquiry has delivered a damning assessment of Japanese nuclear regulators and the operator of the Fukushima nuclear power plant, raising further fears that despite new rules, the country's nuclear sector still does not meet safety requirements.
The 450-page report by a 10-member panel of independent experts was released on Monday, and comes as anti-nuclear activists continue a vociferous campaign against the restarting of two nuclear reactors in the country.
The government is currently readying a new energy policy, due next month.
The panel suggested that post-Fukushima safety steps taken at nuclear power plants across the country have not been enough to cope with a complex catastrophe, a combination of human error and natural causes, such as the one that struck the country after an earthquake and tsunami last year.
"We understand that immediate safety measures are being further detailed and will materialise in the future. But we strongly urge the people concerned to make continued efforts to take really effective steps," said the panel, chaired by University of Tokyo engineering professor Yotaro Hatamura.
Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco), the operator of the Fukushima Daiichi plant, and regulators failed to plan for a massive natural disaster, the panel said, blaming them for being lulled by the same "safety myth" blasted by a parliament-appointed team of experts earlier this month.
"Both the government and companies should establish a new philosophy of disaster prevention that requires safety and disaster measures against any massive accident and disaster... regardless of event probability," the report said.
The inquiry did not go as far as accusing regulators and TEPCO of "collusion", as a parliamentary panel had done earlier this month.
Reactors restarting
The decision to restart two reactors operated by the Kansa Electric Power Company has energised Japans' anti-nuclear movement, with more than 100,000 people taking to the streets in Tokyo a week ago.
All 50 of Japan's nuclear reactors were shut down for safety checks after the Fukushima disaster. Critics say that the two restarted reactors do not meet the government's new safety criteria, announced this April.
The panel has called on the government to take immediate action on certain issues, such as ensuring off-site nuclear accident management centres are protected against the kind of massive radiation leaks that rendered the one at Fukushima unusable.
The Fukushima Daiichi plant, located 240km north of Tokyo, was hit on March 11 last year by an earthquake and tsunami that knocked out power and cooling systems.
Three of its six reactors went into meltdown, and about 150,000 people were forced to flee the area as radioactive material leaked into the surroundings.
The panel said that there was no proof that the earthquake was a key factor in the disaster, but added that a certain degree of impact could not be ruled out.
TEPCO's own investigation put the blame for the accident solely on the tsunami.
The panel, however, called on TEPCO to review data that had been presented to it, saying that it believed that it contained errors. It said that further investigations should be carried out.
The report also blamed the country's nuclear regulators for not paying sufficient attention to improvements in nuclear safety standards, as recommended by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
It said that the Japanese Nuclear Industrial and Safety Agency had been promoting nuclear energy without being open about the inherent risks.
It said that a culture of complacency about nuclear safety and poor crisis management had led to the nuclear disaster.
The panel's investigation concludes the last of a series of probes into the worst atomic accident since the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.

Spate of deadly attacks across Iraq

...WATCH NOW!!!...

A series of gun and bomb attacks has racked Iraq for the second straight day, with unidentified gunmen targeting a military base and car bombs exploding in Baghdad, Kirkuk and elsewhere.
More than 100 people are reported to have been killed and 180 injured in at least 19 separate explosions and attacks on Monday morning, officials said.
At least 15 Iraqi soldiers were killed and four others injured after gunmen attacked a military base in Salah Din province, an army official told Al Jazeera.
The attack took place early on Monday morning, while the soldiers were still asleep, in a base east of Dhuluiyah township, about 90km north of Baghdad. No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.
A car bomb in the city of Taji, north of Baghdad, targeted a residential compound. Initial reports suggested that more than 18 people had been killed, and dozens wounded. That attack involved a secondary explosion, which targeted rescue personnel who had rushed to the scene.
In the northern oil town of Kirkuk, police were targeted by four synchronised car bombs, killing five people, including three civilians. Nineteen people were injured in those blasts.
Baghdad bombings
In Baghdad, car bombs targeted an interior ministry office that issues ID cards to residents of the city's mainly Shia Sadr City neighbourhood. At least 16 people were killed in that attack.
"It was a thunderous explosion," said Mohammed Munim, 35, who was working at the office.
"The only thing I remember was the smoke and fire, which was everywhere," he added from his bed in the emergency room at Sadr City hospital.
In Baghdad's eastern Husseiniyah neighbourhood, police sources told Al Jazeera that a parked car bomb killed at least three people and injured another 31 on Monday.
In the city of Touz Khurmato, 140km north of Baghdad, a car bomb targeted a local market, killing at least one person and wounding three others. A separate explosion in that city killed one person and wounded 35 others.
In the eastern town of Muqdadiyah, near Baquba, two civilians were killed and 13 injured after a motorcycle bomb went off on a main street.
South of the capital, in Mahmoudiya, a series of three bombs targeted civilians. Initial reports from police said that the death toll in that attack was at least 10, with as many as 38 wounded.
Meanwhile, two members of a tribal coalition aimed at maintaining security were killed by unidentified gunmen in central Samarra city, 120km north of Baghdad.
In Dujail, 75km north of the capital, a bomb went off near a Shia mosque, killing a woman and injuring four others.
In the town of Ba'aaj, near Mosul, two policemen were killed when a suicide bomber targeted a police station, while in a separate explosion west of Mosul, a car bomb killed three army soldiers and wounded six civilians.
In Dewaniyah province, 180km south of Baghdad, an improvised explosive device attack hit a vegetable market, killing three people and injuring at least 20 others.
In central Balad township, about 80km north of Baghdad, a parked car exploded outside the home of a local political leader, Al Radhee Mohammed. That blast did not result in any casualties. A second car explosion, apparently targeting labourers, also went off in Balad on Monday morning, but there was no immediate confirmation of casualties.
Police say they had identified a third bomb in the same area and had the situation under control.
'Military and Shia targeted'
Al Jazeera's Jane Arraf, reporting from Erbil, said that initial figures were difficult to verify.
"The death tolls are varying wildly [but] they appear to be attacks, as has been the pattern, on military targets as well as Shia communities."
Monday's attacks are the worst since June 13, when a series of explosions killed 84 people. The fresh wave of killings comes just a day after a spate of bombings across the country killed at least 20 people and wounded 88 others.
"It is certainly a sign that despite all gains made against al-Qaeda in Iraq ... they are still out there," reported Al Jazeera's Arraf, adding that the group had recently warned that it was commencing "a new stage" in its campaign.
The Islamic State of Iraq, a group closely aligned with al-Qaeda in Iraq, warned in an audio message posted on jihadist forums that it would begin targeting judges and prosecutors as it renewed its campaign to free members who are currently being held in prison.
"We are starting a new stage," said the voice on the message, purportedly that of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who has been leader of the Islamic State of Iraq since May 2010.
"The first priority in this is releasing Muslim prisoners everywhere, and chasing and eliminating judges and investigators and their guards."
It was not possible to verify whether the voice was that of Baghdadi. Al-Qaeda in Iraq is regarded by Iraqi officials as significantly weaker than at the peak of its strength in 2006 and 2007, but it is still capable of launching spectacular mass-casualty attacks.
Al Jazeera's Arraf said that the attacks have "sparked fears that security forces will not be able to handle what appears to many people to be a resurgence of al-Qaeda" in the absence of US troops, who pulled out of the country at the end of last year.